Saturday, January 21, 2012

Today's top five achievements.

1. Wrote Film newsletter
2. Copied, folded and put in envelops
3. Mailed half already addressed
4. Addressed other half
5. Stuck with my new food habit

Monday, January 16, 2012

Daily achievement 1-16-12

Today my top five achievements are:
1. I formatted the film script using script software.
2. I sent a PDF copy of the script to Steve Delaney.
3. All the food I ate today I made at home
4. I emailed a potential art buyer to arrange a time to meet.
5. I did 50 sit ups.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Strike Me Beautiful

Strike Me Beautiful is my newest idea of driving around the county and painting scenes that just absolutely strike me beautiful.

I have been in a painters block lately (much akin to a writers block) and it might be just the trick to jump start me again. I love to paint and I love a good workout but sometimes some kind of something sets me in a pattern of doing neither for weeks.

So Strike Me Beautiful!

Monday, March 8, 2010

40 Day Challenge

I didn't sign up for the 40 day challenge at the Beyond Limits Yoga as my days are unpredictable with tax season but I am taking the 40 day challenge non-the-less. I started yesterday with diet, exercise, journaling, meditation. My theme is transformation.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Move On The Near Horizon

I think I found a new place to live. It's a bit of a drive but its a house with a beautiful yard and sits right on the lake. It's peaceful and quiet, like a retreat. I know I can go "home" after work, eat healthy food and work non-stop on all the children books I have in my head and series of small paintings. I can continue to paint my large work at the studio space downtown. I am getting quite excited about it.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Last Years Corn, This Years Seed

Growing organic, (heirloom seed when we can). We collected our own seeds from last years crop. We are adding a few more varieties like Fava Beans for this years crop. Pesto, salsa, dips, apple sauce, blueberry jams ... I am already planning for the harvest.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Daring Sugar

Daring sugar. I am not sure what that means but I like that phrase.